Rules for Travel w/Small Kids (#1 Never Stow Them)

Recently we traveled to Disneyland. It was our first major trip with two strong littles on board. The vacation itself was a dream come true (more to come in a future post), the travel part with two little kids was at times trying.
Here are 5 things we did to make the travel portion slightly more manageable:
2. We stayed at the airport hotel the night before. Yes, this is a bit over-the-top but, there is something so relaxing about starting your trip at the airport. No rushed mornings or last minute items to pack. The YVR Fairmont Hotel is luxurious & so peaceful. As an added bonus, their lounge is either loud enough or quiet enough that kids go unnoticed (and kids under 5 eat free!!).
Just chilling (unnoticed) at the Fairmont YVR Lounge.
3. For the flight we booked two by two. The flight seat plan was six across or three by three seats, which would have allowed us to corner the children but given their ages and current love / hate relationship, we felt the one child to one parent ratio is better for managing high levels of emotion and anticipation. It worked out great.
Air Canada US Departures Terminal - Cute play area for all the waiting...
4. We brought activities to do. What happens if the ipad failed us or the inflight entertainment didn't work... My son watched 3 minutes of Ferdinand, looked at me, and said, "I'm good", basically, 'what's next Mama, we're on a plane after all...'
Stickers, colouring, and activity books worked
A small container of slime (which is easier to clean up and manage than play-doh)
Magnet figurines for dress-up from the dollar store
Paper clips to make trains and jewellery
5. The biggest thing, was we tried to make it all part of the vacation. During baggage drop, security, customs, etc. It can be a lot of waiting, but if you're waiting for a good reason AND playing 'Simon Says', or 'I Spy', well it's just easier, on everyone.
Lastly, ensure you always follow rule #1... I've never tried this, despite being tempted, but I know for a fact, it's frowned upon.
Stay Blissful, Make a Ruckus.