Spike Your Self Esteem @ Mystique Hair Design

When my last stylist broke up with me, I was heart-broken. A decade long relationship built on trust and admiration for her craft. She moved away. I wasn't sure how I would ever pick up the pieces. Instead of dealing with the issue, I grew out my hair. So long were my roots that eventually my daughter asked me why my hair was turning black. It was then that I realized that she was not coming back... it was time.
I decided that in order to be happy, I needed to find a great stylist. Obviously. But specifically someone who specialized in blonde colour. I wanted to find someone with whom I could dish, because with two super young kids, I don't have many social outings on my own. Next on the list was product. Good salons always have good product, but I think it's important to have a stylist that works with you and understands what your hair actually needs vs. just making a sale. Also on the list and reasonably important was the location. I need easy access to an excellent coffee because let's face it, I'm usually running late and finally, I'm a total sucker for ambiance. If I'm going to spend 2+ hours in a chair, I want to relax and enjoy my surroundings. If I could also have an ocean view? That would be good too.
Enter Mystique Hair Design.
Hugging the Eastern most edge of the business district on Marine Drive in White Rock is this small but busy salon. The decor is modern and edgy and your self esteem spikes two notches just walking through its doors. Almost every seat in the house, if not all of them, have a picturesque view of the ocean. For me, there is nothing more zen.
Even on an overcast day, the views from Mystique are captivating.
I booked my first appointment with Tasha, a senior colour stylist with dark brown hair. Why do blondes always try to book with blondes? I'm certain they also do a good job, but consider this, who is doing their hair? From the first moment I met Tasha, I knew I would forever be loyal (unless she breaks up with me), incredibly talented, very forthcoming and knowledgeable, honest about what my hair needed and what I should definitely not do to it (not all of my ideas are good ones) she's funny, and just awesome to chat with.
Tasha isn't the only great thing about this salon though. They are all in on it. Every last person at the salon is working together to make sure your experience is an excellent one. Delivering coffee or tea, a warm scented hand towel to make you feel warm and cozy, not to mention divinely created macarons from Spiritual Ingredients Bakery. I have never had such pampering at a hair salon before. As an added gift, they also provide sample anti-aging eye patches from La Biosthetique that you can either use during your visit or take home for later use.
Oh man... always so much work to be done... lol.
Aside from the unexpected gifts what I love is how authentic this service feels. The salon is so stylish yet the service feels like the depiction of an old time ladies' salon rooted in the deep Southern United States. Every stylist knows every customer that walks in, not just their own. Sometimes during my visit there are four or five customers and stylists all chatting together, asking one another about family, vacation, and upcoming plans for the weekend. The laughter and playful chatter create such an upbeat cheerful environment. You could almost call it Blissful Ruckus ;)
My new, cute sustainable product bag from R+Co.
The way that they welcome new clients and clients from years ago is always the same. With devotion and enthusiasm. Go, but not everyone all at once, and please don't overbook my preferred appointment times with Tasha.
Here's to much more Blissful Ruckus in all of our lives. Xo