Cozy Fall Endeavors

It's time. You see it everywhere: the pumpkin spice, the pre-emptive halloween candy, the booties, and you just know there's an infinity scarf laying in wait, yes, Fall has arrived.
It's that especially romantic time of year when the leaves are changing, the air is crisp, and all you want to do is be cozy somewhere. It's all I can think about: cozy family mornings, fun snuggly date nights, and self-directed indulgent me-time. There are so many great local activities for everyone that I couldn't possibly cover them all in one post. I thought for now, I'd simply share a few of our absolute favorites (save for the pumpkin patch which is always this season's crowning glory).
In White Rock, our absolute favorite thing, no matter what the season is crabbing. Not real crabbing, but mini-crabbing. Dad flips the rock and the kids scoop the little guys into the buckets, later we release them and hope that they will all build a new crab condo development together, living happily ever after. Kites and rain boots down at the beach are also great fun right now.
Once we're all properly blown out by the fresh salty breeze, it's time to warm-up and re-charge with a special treat or early lunch. What's so amazing is that there are so many incredible options right at the beach - #keepthedrivealive!! Our favorite haunts right now are: Charlie Don't Surf - love that vegetarian quesadilla, so hearty and full of goodness! The Wafflers is always a hit - the kids love the Tooty Fruity, but it's fall, and I like a good Bonfire. Finally, if we don't need a meal, just a treat, we head to Spiritual Ingredients for macarons that have been sent from Heaven with a hot Coco for the kids and a London Fog for the parents.
Image: City of Surrey archives, Redwood Park
Aside from the beach, there is nothing more romantic in my mind than a cool walk in the dewey temperate rain forest. Except of course if you bring the kids... then it's less romantic and more adventure. Still good. Still good. Try Sunnyside Acres Urban Forest, Redwood Park, Campbell Valley, Serpentine Fen, or Mud Bay Park for some great views and fun exploring in the White Rock / South Surrey / South Langley neighbourhoods. These parks are an entirely different kind of peaceful in the fall, when most others have resolved to give up this great outdoor space until the Spring. Truly, I have never seen so many vibrant shades of green as when walking along some of these great paths after a fresh fall rain. If you miss the opportunity to walk in the forest just after the rain, I promise you will still be mesmerized by Fall's playful kaleidoscope of colours. I dare you not to feel completely rejuvenated or inspired after leaving this earthly outdoor utopia.
Our plan is to undertake one of these fabulous local walks on our next date night and then head out for some great uber-warm hospitality. Where is there a higher level of warm hospitality than at Oktoberfest? No where. Uli's on Marine Drive has created an authentic Bavarian menu to celebrate this great autumn tradition. Of course it's not Oktoberfest without the Oom Pa Pa, so they're bringing that in too, just for schnitz and giggles (sometimes I can't help myself). I can't wait to share with you all that this night was. However, I believe there are still a few spots available so call and book in if you want to experience this fabulous fall celebration for yourself.
Photo of Franzl and his Squeezebox at Tractorgrease Cafe in Chilliwack, who also host several Oktoberfest events (good ones too, judging by this photo...)
Finally, while Spring is a time for revitalization, Fall is a time for inner reflection. As a busy parent and/or entrepreneur we all know that home is not where you'll find time or space for such extracurricular endeavors. So, if at all possible, build out some time for yourself, and hit the road. Spas like Casbah offer really high-level service, a long menu of incredible indulgences, and the ambiance to make your self-reflection journey pure and utterly blissful. I especially love their dark, heavy, woolly robes. You'll feel cloaked in calm resolution.
Excited for today's self-reflection time at Casbah Day Spa.
OOOOOmmmm..... Stay blissful, make ruckus.