Love's Demonstration

Oh sweet Valentine. Sweet, sweet, salacious Valentine. How could anyone deny you? Sure, there's no arguing, this overtly commercialized holiday has become typically virtueless rather than virtuous. Still, I argue, are we all so overwhelmed by love that we can easily turn away from an effortless excuse to share a cuddle, a giggle, or a tickle with those we admire most?
You may argue that love should be celebrated and cherished on a daily basis, rather than flaunted for one singular day each year. Absolutely. But, rather than turn your back on Valentine, use it as a cheat day. An easy excuse to touch base with your distant friends, your extended relatives (especially where nieces and nephews are involved), or even your neighbour. Bribe your children for extra cuddles, and go ahead nudge your spouse for a few flowers or a wee dram of something good. We should demonstrate love on a regular basis, but on Valentine's Day, let our cups runneth over.
I'm already working on these guys for extra cuddles.
And what a perfect excuse for a little #lovecraft workshop (Henry already gets it... sometimes love does get messy).
If you're still not convinced that love is worth demonstrating via cupid's little arrow to and for yourself, with your spouse, your best friend, your extended family (especially where nieces and nephews are concerned), or with a little extra love for your neighbour, then let me share these awesome little pieces that will most certainly be a part of our #lovefest this weekend.
This pillow for example, by PCB Home (which I found via, is a centre-piece for all things warm and cozy. Try to resist it. You can't.
And whether you agree or disagree that this heart-shaped holiday offers a perfect excuse to reach out in the name of love; think of the macarons. Tiny, delightful, morsels of Heaven, made to perfection at the aptly named Spiritual Ingredients Bakery. Spiritual Ingredients offer more flavours than I have ever known to exist for a macaron. Each one melts salaciously in your mouth - a soft sultry centre enveloped by crisp, light, flaky meringue cookies. Divine decadence. This is love.
Now if I've won you over and you're ready to go the distance this V-day, then I have one more offering: adorable family t-shirts. While I don't want to share the custom t-shirts we had made (yet), I do want to share Lucky Bum Clothing's cute offerings. I mean, so many little ts to just make your heart melt.
Love is not fragile. Love is strong, energetic, boundless, and enduring. We need to share the love, so that everyone has some.
Wishing you lots of love, celebration, and some blissful ruckus this Valentine's.